Carson City
08-16-12 Agenda with Supporting Materials
Day: Thursday
Date: August 16, 2012
Time: Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
1. Call to Order - Board of Supervisors
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation - Bill McCord, First United Methodist Church, Retired
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comments and Discussion:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority and the Carson City Board of Health (Boards). In order for members of the public to participate in the Boards' consideration of an agenda item, the Boards strongly encourage members of the public to comment on an agenda item during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion to only provide for public comment under a public comment item and not call for or allow individual-item public comment at the time of any Boards' consideration of any item on the agenda involving: 1) an off-site tour by the Board; or 2) any person's or entity's due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code.
6. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - July 19, 2012
7. For Possible Action: Adoption of Agenda
8. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.
8-1. Assessor
A) For Possible Action: To approve the correction/increase of the taxes for the 2009/10 2010/11, and 2012/13 tax years for parcel number 001-153-01 (1718 N Carson St) per NRS 361.765 in the amount of $943.92. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: The owner of assessor parcel number 001-153-01 (1718 N Carson St) was receiving the 3% tax cap on the above stated property located in Carson City. This property is a commercial property with an apartment and was previously receiving the 3% tax cap on 7% of the property. However, due to a clerical error, the property received the 3% tax cap on the entire property instead of only 7%. This error affected the 2009/10, 2010-11, 2011/12 and the 2012/13 real property taxes. The Assessor's office is requesting that the abatement be adjusted so that the taxes will reflect the correct percentage of the 3% tax cap for a total of three years plus the current tax year per NRS 361.765. This will result in an increase to the Real Property tax rolls in the amount of $356.57 (2009/10), $343.05 (2010/11) and $244.30 (2012/13), for a total of $943.92. It should be noted that the 2011/12 Real property taxes were not affected by the tax cap, the 2011/12 taxes were based on the actual assessed value; therefore, there is no adjustment necessary.
B) For Possible Action: To approve the removal of the taxes and any penalties that have occurred for the 2012/13 tax year for parcel number 005-101-01 (Technology Wy) per NRS 361.765 in the amount of $21,704.84. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: Due to a clerical error the land use code was not changed and the improvement value was not removed from parcel number 005-101-01 (Technology Wy). This property is considered to be a common area and the value that is attributed to the property is divided between the adjacent properties within the subdivision or parcel map. The Assessors office is asking the taxes and any penalties that have occurred be removed from the 2012/13 Real Property Tax bill per NRS 361.765 in the amount of $21,704.84.
C) For Possible Action: To approve the removal of the taxes from the 2012/13 real property tax roll from Assessor's parcel number 009-721-31 (3134 Heaton Wy) per NRS 361.091 in the amount of $43.08. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: The Assessor's Office is requesting the Board of Supervisors to remove the taxes from the 2012/13 real property tax roll from Assessor's parcel number 009-721-31 (3134 Heaton Wy) in the amount of $43.08 per NRS 361.091. The owner of the property was entitled to receive a surviving spouse exemption on her real property taxes for the 2012/13 fiscal year. However, due to a clerical error, the exemption was not applied. The Assessor's office is asking for the 2012/13 taxes to be adjusted to reflect the exemption.
8-2. Finance
A) For Possible Action: To accept the report on the condition of each fund in the treasury through August 7, 2012 per NRS 251.030. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: NRS 251.030 requires the Finance Director (for the purpose of the statute acting as the County Auditor) to report to the Board of County Commissioners (or in our case the Board of Supervisors), at each regular meeting thereof, the condition of each fund in the treasury.
B) For Possible Action: To confirm the engagement of Swendseid & Stern as bond counsel to Carson City, Nevada in connection with the $3,500,000 Carson City, Nevada Highway Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: The agreement between the City and the firm of Swendseid and Stern sets forth the role proposed to be served and the responsibilities proposed to be assumed as bond counsel.
C) For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution electing to receive a share of the State of Nevada=s Secure Rural Schools (SRS) revenues pursuant to Sections 102(a)(1)(B) and 103 of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000, which has been amended and re authorized for FFY2012, referred to as the "full county payment amount." (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: Title I of SRS2008 gives each eligible county the right to elect to receive either its traditional share of revenues from the National Forest lands pursuant to the Act of May 23, 1908 and Section 13 of the Act of March 1, 1911 (the "25 percent payments"), or instead to receive a guaranteed minimum share of the State payment pursuant to Sections 102 (a)(1)(B) and 103 (the "full county payment amount"). Carson City expects to net $8,583 for Federal Fiscal Year 2012.
8-3. Purchasing and Contracts
A) For Possible Action: To accept the quarterly summary report of all active grants made to Carson City as well as a listing of all pending grants. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: A quarterly summary of all active grants made to Carson City as well as a listing of all pending grants will be given to the Board of Supervisors.
B) For Possible Action: To determine that Contract No. 1213-069 is a contract for items which may only be contracted from a sole source and therefore not suitable for public bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 and to approve Contract No. 1213-069 a request for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution provided by Sierra Chemical Co. at a cost of .934 per gallon through June 30, 2017 subject to escalation and/or de-escalation provisions with the option to renew for five (5) additional years subject to negotiation. Chemical purchases to be funded from Water and Wastewater Funds for Fiscal year 2012/2013. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: Sodium Hypochlorite Solution provides for disinfection of filtered secondarily treated sewage effluent and filtered potable water. The Public Works Department will purchase this chemical on an as-needed basis.
C) For Possible Action: To approve Contract No. 1213-087 pursuant to NRS 332.115(1)(b) and NRS 625.530 with Manhard Consulting Ltd., to provide Professional Services for Floodplain Management Analysis and mapping services for H&I, Voltaire, and Saliman Tributaries through August 15, 2015 for a not to exceed amount of $118,300.00 to be funded from the Stormwater Professional Services Account as provided FY 2012/2013. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: This contract is for the completion of a LOMR for the SW Carson City watersheds prior to the completion of the full freeway improvements. Accordingly, this single revised scope of remaining work will eliminate minor portions of Manhard's scope of services from previous contracts, and add new tasks required to address the City's changing needs, as the floodplain mapping has evolved over the past few years based on FEMA's re-study limits and revisions. The addition of the freeway and its effect on stormwater conveyances and resulting floodplain limits is also accounted for in this new scope of services.
D) For Possible Action: To accept the Work as completed, to accept the Contract Summary as presented, and to approve the Release of Final Payment in the amount of $330,685.59 for Contract No. 1011-201 North/South Water Transmission Main Project - Phase II to Contri Construction Company. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: Project consisted of installing approximately 29,000-feet of 24" PVC water line beginning along Bigelow Drive at the southerly Carson City/Douglas County line at well 50 and extending east along Snyder Avenue to Conti Drive then north to Fairview Drive and continuing north, terminating near the intersection of Fairview Drive and East Fifth Street where it ties in to the Phase I project. The project also included the construction of approximately 58,100-feet of PVC conduit, approximately 6,300-feet of 8" PVC sewer line and sixty-five sewer laterals, a 12' wide paved asphalt concrete (AC) multi-use pathway; 94,300 square-feet of AC roadway pavement reconstruction, installation of several storm drain pipes, and installation of an 18-inch and 16-inch flow meter station.
E) For Possible Action: To accept Public Works recommendation to approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 0910-148 with GEOCON Consultants, Inc. titled "Carson City Brownfields Assessment Grant Professional Services" to increase the contract term from July 31, 2012 to July 31, 2013. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: On May 6, 2010, The Carson City Board of Supervisors approved the above listed contract in the amount of $345,500.00. This request is to amend the contract term. This contract is to provide Professional Services for Carson City Brownfields Assessment Grant. Consultant is providing Project Management and Planning, Community Outreach, Phase I and II Environmental Assessments, Cleanup Plans and Reports on various locations in the target study area.
F) For Possible Action: To accept Public Works recommendation to approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 1011-234 with Resource Concepts, Incorporated titled "Carson City Water Rights Assistance" to increase the contract in an amount of $155,000.00 from $90,000.00 to $245,000.00 and to increase the contract term from June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: On June 2, 2011, The Carson City Board of Supervisors approved the above listed contract in the amount of $90,000.00. This request is to increase the contract in an amount of $155,000.00 and amend the contract term. This contract is to provide Professional Services which include: 1) monitoring with the Nevada Division of Water Resources filing deadlines, requirements, and due dates, including responding to all notices, and other requirements of the State; 2) coordination with City staff in the water utility area regarding changes, Proofs of Beneficial use, Proofs of Completion, and other requirements necessary to keep water rights in good standing; and 3) responding to specific water related requests as required.
8-4. Fire
A) For Possible Action: To authorize the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between Douglas County, Carson City, Lyon County and Storey County to Develop, Operate, and Maintain a Multi-County Ethernet Microwave Interconnect. (Stacey Giomi)
Staff Summary: The above noted parties have built a microwave interconnect between repeater sites and connecting the various agencies' networks. The build-out of the system was accomplished with federal interoperable communications funds. This agreement is the next step in the process and will provide a framework for the development of a committee to oversee utilization of the interconnect system.
B) For Possible Action: To authorize the Mayor to sign the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Communications Use Lease. (Stacey Giomi)
Staff Summary: Carson City maintains a communications site on Snow Valley Peak along the Carson Range. The U.S. Forest Service manages the land on behalf of the federal government. A management plan for the site has existed for several years, but no lease has ever been executed. The approval of this lease will grant Carson City official access and responsibility for managing the users and operation on Snow Valley Peak.
8-5. Public Works
A) For Possible Action: To approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Water Lease Agreement for Lost Lakes between Carson City and Carson Water Subconservancy District. (Thomas Guinn)
Staff Summary: Approving this Water Lease Agreement will provide Carson City with up to, but not to exceed, 50.0 acre feet of additional surface water, allowing equivalent rest of groundwater resources from October 1, 2012 until March 31, 2013. It has been the past practice of Carson City to lease these water rights as a part of our conjunctive use management plan.
B) For Possible Action: To approve the promotion of a Storm/Sewer Technician 1 to a Storm/Sewer Technician 2 within the Public Works Department. (Darren Schulz)
Staff Summary: This Technician has obtained all the required certifications and meets all the required standards for the position. The employee is frequently tasked with leading others in the daily operation of sewer maintenance and training new employees all of which are part of the Technician 2 responsibilities.
C) For Possible Action: To approve filling a vacant Constructor Inspector position with a Construction Manager position and adding a Document Control Specialist position. (Darren Schulz)
Staff Summary: Approval of this modification to staffing will allow Public Works staff to perform a significant portion of the construction management services currently done by consultants. This would result in a savings of approximately $241,000 in the cost of doing capital projects annually.
D) For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution and approve an interlocal agreement between Carson City and the Carson City School District for the purpose of exchanging property in the vicinity of the Pioneer High School and North Stewart Street Extension. (Jeff Sharp)
Staff Summary: A portion of the North Stewart Street Extension project was built on School District property adjacent to the Pioneer High School with the permission of the School District. The City required a total of 24,501 square feet of property from the School District in order to accommodate right of way and public utility easements for existing North Stewart Street improvements. In turn, the School District desires to acquire 25,742 square feet of surplus property owned by the City immediately south of the Pioneer High School to accommodate future expansion of the campus. Since the square foot areas of properties in question are nearly identical, the tax payer base is essentially the same, a straight land swap would be beneficial for both parties, and would be in the best interest of the public, a land swap is being sought.
8-6. Health and Human Services
For Possible Action: To direct staff to apply for a grant from the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) for Strengthening the Community of Practice for Public Health Improvement: Quality Improvement Award Program, Cycle Two in the amount of $5,000. (Dustin Boothe)
Staff Summary: NNPHI will provide health departments with $5,000 awards, coupled with 15 hours of individualized quality improvement (QI) assistance from an experienced QI Coach, to conduct a QI project that results in measurable change. The QI Award Program is being implemented as part of the Strengthening the Community of Practice for Public Health Improvement (COPPHI) program, an initiative funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and managed by NNPHI that seeks to facilitate the exchange of best practices and build capacity among the nation's public health departments to conduct QI and to become accredited. The purpose of this QI Award Program is to support health departments to become more proficient in the adoption and application of QI and to meet the accreditation standards and measures set by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Selected health departments will also be provided with additional opportunities, such as educational webinars with QI experts and sponsored attendance at a national accreditation and QI-focused meeting (the "Open Forum" meeting).
8-7. Parks and Recreation - Open Space
For Possible Action: To authorize the City Manager to execute documents designating Carson City as a cooperating agency providing participation in the Great Basin Nevada and Northeast California Sub-Regional Sage Grouse Effort which includes the development of an environmental impact statement and programmatic land use plan amendments. (Juan Guzman)
Staff Summary: This action is to authorize staff to join other agencies in assisting the BLM with the preparation of a Greater Sage Grouse National Planning Strategy, Great Basin Region Nevada - Northeast California Sub-Region and the development of the Resource Management Plan Amendment and Related Environmental Impact Statement as a cooperating agency. Carson City's responsibilities include the review of draft documents. The costs are to be covered through the standard staff duty functions.
8-8. Carson City Airport Authority
For Possible Action: To approve and accept three 2012 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement (AIP) Grants in the approximate amounts of $137,000 (taxiway rehab), $71,000 (environmental assessments) and $258,000 (apron ramp reconstruction). (Steve Tackes)
Staff Summary: The FAA has informed the Carson City Airport Authority that it is processing 3 AIP Grants for the Carson City Airport and will be sending the Grant Offers out with a requirement that it be accepted and returned within 10 days. The FAA requires Carson City, as well as the Carson City Airport Authority, to approve and accept the grant offer. These Grants will be used to (1) rehabilitate Taxiways B and C, (2) do environmental assessments, and (3) do engineering and design related to reconstruction of apron ramp areas on the Airport.
8-9. City Manager
A) For Possible Action: To appoint Marjorie (Marj) Knowles to the 9-1-1 Surcharge Advisory Committee to fill a term that expires on December 31, 2012. (Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: CCMC 4.05.030 creates a five member advisory committee called the "9-1-1 Surcharge Advisory Committee." There is one opening due to a member's resignation. Marj Knowles has applied for appointment. There are no additional applicants.
B) For Possible Action: To ratify the approval of bills and other requests for payments by the City Manager for the period of July 10, 2012 thru August 6, 2012. (Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: All bills or other requests for payment verified per CCMC 2.29.010 shall be presented by the controller, together with the register book of demands and warrants to the city manager who shall audit the same, and if found authorized, correct and legal, shall signify by his signature, as agent for the board, upon the register book of demands and warrants those demands which are approved or disapproved by him. Upon approval, the warrants, as prepared aforesaid, shall issue. The City Manager shall then cause the register book of bills and other requests for payment and warrants to be presented at least once a month to the board of supervisors, who shall by motion entered into its minutes, ratify the action taken on the bills or other requests for payment.
(End of Consent Agenda)
9. Recess as Board of Supervisors
Liquor and Entertainment Board
10. Call to Order & Roll Call - Liquor and Entertainment Board
11. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - July 19, 2012
12. Public Works - Business License
A) For Possible Action: To approve David Martinez, as the liquor manager for Foodies Bystro (Liquor License #13-29110) located at 449 W. King St., Carson City. (Jennifer Pruitt)
Staff Summary: All liquor license requests are to be reviewed by the Liquor Board per CCMC 4.13. David Martinez is applying to be listed as the liquor manager on the license.
B) For Possible Action: To approve Lee Pisiewski as the liquor manager for The Feisty Goat Pub (Liquor License #13-29120) located at 1881 E. Long St., Carson City. (Jennifer Pruitt)
Staff Summary: All liquor license requests are to be reviewed by the Liquor Board per CCMC 4.13. Lee Pisiewski is purchasing The Feisty Goat Pub and is applying to be listed as the liquor manager on the liquor license.
13. Public Comment
14. For Possible Action: To Adjourn as the Liquor and Entertainment Board
15. Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items
16. Any item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time.
17. Sheriff
For Possible Action: To adopt Bill No. 109, on second reading, an ordinance amending the Carson City Municipal Code Title 4, Licenses and Business Regulations, Chapter 4.16 - Solicitors and Canvassers, amending Section 4.16.010 - Permit Required, to eliminate canvassers and other non-commercial first amendment solicitors from the title and permit requirement and to add peddlers, amending Section 4.16.020 - Definition, to clarify and expand definitions and delete the sheriff's application process from the section, amending Section 4.16.040 - Investigation and Issuance, to change the section name and create a new permit registration process and denial due process and permit fee schedule, amending Section 4.16.050 - Badges, by deleting the badge deposit and refund process and prohibiting use of an expired badge, amending Section 4.16.060 - Revocation of Permit, to add clarification to the permit revocation due process, amending Section 4.16.070 - Appeal, to change the section's name and delete the appeal process and replace it with a misdemeanor prohibition for any and all types of solicitors that violate a posted no soliciting sign, amending Section 4.16.080 - Expiration of Permits, to make expiration language changes, amending Section 4.16.100 - Hours of Soliciting, to delete the section, amending Section 4.16.110 - Certain Salesmen Exempted, to change the section's name and to clarify and expand the list of persons exempt from the permit requirement, and other matters properly related thereto. (Sheriff Kenny Furlong & Randal Munn)
Staff Summary: The existing solicitors' ordinance was adopted prior to current applicable case law and has not been previously updated. Compliance with current law has been accomplished by non-strict enforcement of the current ordinance under advice of the District Attorney's office. The applicable case law allows reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on "commercial speech" though it too is considered 1st Amendment speech. Door to door soliciting is either commercial speech or pure 1st Amendment speech (for example: political or religious speech). Generally, the restrictions that the law might allow to be placed upon commercial speech are not allowed with regard to pure 1st Amendment speech. This amendment to the Carson City Municipal Code is necessary to bring the City's ordinance in compliance with current law on this subject.
18. Public Works - Planning
For Possible Action: To introduce, on first reading, an ordinance to change the zoning of property located at 510 Linda Kay Ct., APN 004-342-01, from Multi-Family Apartment (MFA) to General Office (GO). (ZMA-12-036) (Lee Plemel)
Staff Summary: The Zoning Map Amendment would allow the applicant to develop the 0.15 acre vacant parcel with a small professional office building.
19. Finance
A) Public hearing relating to the approval of Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds for the benefit of Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare pursuant to NRS 244A.707 and section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: The City has determined that it should issue its "Carson City, Nevada Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare Project), Series 2012," in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $56,400,000 to finance: (i) the cost of defeasing and paying the outstanding "Carson City, Nevada Hospital Revenue Bonds (Carson Tahoe Hospital Project), Series 2002," maturing on and after September 1, 2013 in the aggregate principal amount of $20,180,000; (ii) the cost of defeasing and paying the outstanding "Carson City, Nevada Hospital Revenue Bonds (Carson Tahoe Hospital Project), Series 2003A," maturing on and after September 1, 2013 in the aggregate principal amount of $39,035,000; and (iii) paying the costs of issuing the 2012 Bonds.
All persons interested are hereby advised that the Board will hold a public hearing on the proposal for public comment.
B) For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance of the Carson City, Nevada, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare Project), Series 2012, in the maximum principal amount of $56,400,000, to refinance certain obligations of Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare, a Nevada Nonprofit Corporation; making determinations as to the sufficiency of revenues and as to other matters related to such project and such bonds; delegating to City officials the authority to determine certain final terms of the bonds; authorizing the execution by the City of a loan agreement, an indenture of trust, a bond purchase agreement, an escrow agreement, the bonds, and closing documents in connection therewith; and ratifying all consistent actions heretofore taken toward the issuance and sale of the bonds. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: Authorizes a resolution making certain findings and determinations relating to, approving the final terms of, and authorizing the issuance and deliver of, hospital revenue refunding bonds for the benefit of Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare, and authorizing the execution and delivery of various agreements in connection therewith.
C) For Possible Action: To introduce, on first reading, an ordinance designated as the "2012 Highway Revenue Bond Ordinance"; authorizing the issuance by Carson City of its fully registered "Carson City, Nevada, Highway Revenue (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax) Subordinate Lien Refunding Bonds, Series 2012" for the purpose of refinancing street and highway construction; providing the form, terms and conditions of the bonds and other details in connection therewith; and providing the effective date hereof. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: This is an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the "Carson City, Nevada, Highway Revenue (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax) Subordinate Lien Refunding Bonds, Series 2012" and otherwise concerning the bonds and the motor vehicle fuel taxes pledged for their payment.
The Regional Transportation Commission passed a Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors issue the Highway Revenue Refunding bonds at their meeting on August 8, 2012.
The estimated par amount of the 2012 Refunding Bonds is $3,329,200, which will refund $3,140,000 of outstanding debt. The total interest savings is estimated at $228,674, with a present value savings estimated at $197,277.
20. Parks and Recreation - Open Space
A) For Possible Action: To approve the recommendation of the Open Space Advisory Committee to purchase APN 7-101-55 containing 20.25 acres, located at Ash Canyon and owned by the Joost Land and Cattle Company, Inc., and to authorize the Mayor and staff to execute documents to complete the transaction. (Juan Guzman)
Staff Summary: On June 21, 2012, the Board of Supervisors instructed staff to re-agendize this item to provide additional information. This acquisition is one of multiple transactions between Carson City and the Joost Land and Cattle Company, Inc. The 20.25 acres are located immediately west of the Wellington Crescent Planned Unit Development. The Joost family has agreed to sell for $390,000 which is below the $405,000 appraised value. The property is in a priority area for acquisitions based on the Open Space Master Plan.
B) For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution directing staff and the Open Space Advisory Committee to suspend efforts to acquire property for a period of two years and to emphasize the active management of existing properties in the Open Space Program. (Juan Guzman)
Staff Summary: Through this resolution the Board of Supervisors provides direction for the Open Space Program to reduce efforts devoted to the acquisition of properties and concentrate efforts toward activities related to the management of lands that are under present ownership.
21. City Manager
Presentation of the Carson City Quarterly Business Review for the period ending June 30, 2012. (Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: This item represents the quarterly business review related to the City-wide performance scorecard. A scorecard is a tool that focuses our attention on those things most important, aligns our activities throughout the organization, measures our progress and monitors projects (initiatives) that improve our performance. In the report the objective represents what we want to achieve as a City. The performance measures give us a progress report on meeting those objectives by comparing actual data with established targets. These targets represent our expected and/or desired performance. If targets are not being met, staff focuses on those areas and determines what, if anything, can be done to reverse the situation. Initiatives are those projects adopted by the Board to support their strategic objectives and move performance in a positive direction.
22. Board of Supervisors
Non-Action Items:
Status review of projects
- Capital Projects Status Report
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report
23. Public Works - Planning
Presentation of the 2012 Historic Preservation Award. (HRC-12-001) (Mike Drews/Jennifer Pruitt)
Staff Summary: The Historic Resources Commission would like to recognize the significant historic preservation efforts of Arthur A. Hannafin, Architect, in celebration of the Historic Preservation Month of May.
24. Call to Order and Roll Call of the Charter Review Committee
25. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - June 5, 2012 & June 25, 2012
26. Charter Review Committee
A) Status report and briefing on the work of the Charter Review Committee.
Staff Summary: The Charter Review Committee will provide a briefing of their meetings held on April 17, May 22, June 5, and June 25, 2012.
B) For Possible Action: The Board of Supervisors will discuss and possibly adopt a recommendation from the Charter Review Committee to amend the Carson City Charter, Section 3.075 (Internal auditor: Appointment; compensation; duties), to make the Board's appointment of an Carson City Audit Committee, and the Audit Committee's authority with regard to the internal auditor, a charter-based committee rather than just its current ordinance-based creation under Carson City Municipal Code Chapter 2.14; and to further clarify the scope of internal audits.
Staff Summary: The Carson City Charter Review Committee brought forth, discussed and took action on proposed amended language to section 3.075 of the Carson City Charter at their June 25, 2012 meeting.
C) For Possible Action: The Board of Supervisors will discuss and possibly adopt a recommendation from the Charter Review Committee to provide for a City ballot question whether Carson City Charter, Section 2.010 (Board of supervisors: Qualifications; election; term of office), Section 5.010 (Primary election) and Section 5.020 (General election) should be amended to provide for ward-only voting in the primary election, with the top two winners in each ward advancing to the general election to be voted upon by all City voters (at-large voting) in the general election to determine a single winner in each ward.
Staff Summary: The Carson City Charter Review Committee brought forth, discussed and took action on this item at their June 25, 2012 meeting. The Charter Review Committee was advised that it would be too late in this year=s election calendar to meet the statutory deadlines for any such a ballot question for the November 2012 election.
D) For Possible Action: The Board of Supervisor will discuss and possibly adopt a recommendation from the Charter Review Committee to appoint a committee to review Carson City Municipal Code Chapter 2.34, Code of Ethics, and make recommendations to the Board for modifications to the existing ordinance.
Staff Summary: The Carson City Charter Review Committee brought forth, discussed and took action on this item at their June 5, 2012 meeting.
27. Public Comment: The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.
28. For Possible Action: To Adjourn the Carson City Charter Review Committee
29. For Possible Action: To Adjourn the Carson City Board of Supervisors
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Copies of information related to the above items can be viewed in the City Manager's Office.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager's Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager's Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775)887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
This meeting can be viewed on Channel 226. For specific dates and times -
This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center 851 East William Street
Public Safety Complex 885 East Musser Street
City Hall 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library 900 North Roop Street
Business Resource & Innovation Center (BRIC) 108 East Proctor Street
Date: August 9, 2012